What is Your Strongest Natural Psychic Talent?

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Are you empathic?  Do you have clear feeling or Clairsentience?  What about visions, as in Second Sight or Clairvoyance?  Maybe you hear angels or guides and you’re clairaudient.  You could just know things, which is claircognizance.

There are five major psychic senses. They mirror our physical senses (sight, touch, hearing, etc.)

My strongest is clairvoyance.

If you don’t know your strongest natural psychic ability, watch the free video I developed especially for you. You can go watch it now and discover the power of your own natural intuitive senses in my free video training exercise. It’s free, online, and available for you now.

It’s so much fun to start working with your intuition.

For that and more free online trainings are free at my site http://psychic-u.com/freestrengths/

Thanks for liking, subscribing and sharing.  For more, visit my site at http://www.SpiritLisa.com and
download my free pdf with the 6 Most Common Signs from Spirit http://eepurl.com/EWICf  so you can identify the loved ones around you!

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*Author of Love Notes Oracle Cards & Guidebook  http://www.amazon.com/Love-Notes-Oracle-Cards-Guidebook/dp/1613160488/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401464533&sr=8-1&keywords=love+notes+oracle+cards

What About Suicides?

You may not believe me, but in my life as a medium, I’ve seen time and again that your departed loved ones are always available, given the right heart space. I find that incredibly comforting. Which is why I started doing this stuff – and that’s why I still love to do this service, even when it’s partly profoundly painful.

For example, I just did a reading for a heart-broken nurse.

I took a look at the spirits around her and immediately saw her parents. Her departed father had committed suicide about 30 years ago. It made me physically ill to experience the details of evidence he gave me around his death, as often happens when we ask for evidence of a spirit’s passing. This one was especially strong and nauseating for me. I will spare you the details. But it was accurate. She knew enough about what had happened to validate what he showed me, told me, and made me feel about his death.

She knew all of that. What she didn’t know was how he was faring after death.

Decades had passed since that tragic day, but her amazing father came in strong and clear. He described his love and his ongoing relationship to his daughter. He showed me his leather laced shoes to remind her of his grooming and his beautiful work suits. He even revealed that he is doing much better than she thought, delivered long overdue apologies and regrets, and even told her to keep praying and lighting those candles for him every day because he loves that energy!

ImageThat made her smile, and it’s a warm confirmation that when we pray for people in spirit, they DO get uplifted!

There was a lot more in an hour and a half, but I am writing this because I want you to know that you are not alone. Ever.

Each time I have done a reading, I have been able to access the departed spirit the person wanted to visit.

And there is another takeaway here about suicides.

In my experience, suicides always come through with some regret because they had no idea how much damage their passing would cause. This man told us why- that he had done it out of financial stress and cigarette smoking related health problems, feeling powerless and responsible for his family, humiliated because he was retired so he could not provide materially the way he once had done. Pride had blinded him and he couldn’t see any other way to carry on living. (I can’t help but wonder if today, it might have been different because we do have double income households and greater access to financial support and overcoming blocks around being a sole provider.)

Happily, our reading ended with great inspiration from the angelic realms. We joined in a very powerful healing prayer that brought an important supportive message out for all of us, which is to ASK for support from the higher realms.

If we are feeling proud and alone, this is the time to call the divine!

Whether we call them angels or devas or divine will or God, we are reaching for that light of love consciousness when we reach up and we are not expected to know everything about that. In fact, we can’t know everything!

What we CAN do is ask our Higher Power for help. Anytime. Anywhere. Ask for a miracle!

That is what it’s here for and the entire divine team came in for this family. I want that for myself and I want that for you!


Lisa Atkinson

Find out what psychics don’t say, how to get a good psychic reading. Get your free Psychic Secrets report on what is really up with psychics and how to get a good one. Also, you can opt in to my free 6 Spirit Signs report and find out how to know your loved ones are nearby. It’s free. I hate spam, too, so don’t worry about that. http://spiritlisa.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=19de6aa0b44348fb782be256f&id=37e8c62072

And click here to check out my site, while you’re at it~ I’d love to hook you up with your loved ones in spirit. Mediumship is the coolest! http://www.Lisa-Atkinson.com

Is Your Love a Gateway to Miracles?

This gallery contains 1 photo.

Love is the answer. Love creates miracles. There’s magic in love. You’ve heard the clichés. But do you think they’re really true? We can probably agree that love links people together. I mean, this part is simple, factual observation and … Continue reading

Are You Psychic?

Have you ever wondered if your psychic side was active?  Do you get hunches that are true?  How about intuitive insights and gut feelings for no reason?  If you are human, you probably get all of the above.

That’s because we humans come in with a soul.

You may be asking, Okay. Just how does the soul relate to being psychic?

It’s just semantics. Language. Mumbo Jumbo. Trust me. It works out because the word psychic means of the psyche, and psyche is derived from the root word for soul. See?  Psychic just means of the soul.

There are a bunch more boring technical terms and broo-haha that we could go into here, but I will not bore you.

If you want to know what your strongest psychic senses are, just watch my FREE ONLINE INSTANT ACCESS video!  You’ll discover your strongest psychic sense and find out how you’re already tuning into your angels, guides, higher power, divine self, and all the yummy lovelies who are trying to talk to you from the heavenly planes and help you onto your blissful path of destiny.

Click here to watch the video and identify your psychic strength. Sign up for the free series and you’ll get more training and updates so that you can use and develop those gorgeous strengths of yours and reap the benefits of having a clearer, more constant dialogue with your higher self.



A Cheat Sheet for Death, According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead


Pay attention, friend. This is your ultimate cheat sheet for death, according to The Tibetan Book of the Dead. To see what I mean, let’s play a role-playing game.

Today, you die. (Not really. Just humor me. We start with this morbid development because we are talking Book of the Dead.) Okay?

Okay. Game on.

Bang. Bang. You’re dead.

It’s not so bad. In fact, it’s pretty nice! Your spirit is freeeee! No pain. No pressure. Your energy body soars to the shimmering spiritual sun, otherwise known as a portal to eternal bliss, among other things…

And there you are: a giddy ghost, basking in the warm and shiny space. Ah, sweet mystery….

When suddenly, you’re greeted by a pair of gorgeous deities, one of each sex, and they are HOT.

Not hot like burning in hell. They’re hot like sexy hot. In fact, they’re your fantasy fun friends, and you’re instantly smitten because they ooze a golden charisma that wraps you in a blanket of bliss. And as if it couldn’t get better, voila! Out come your favorite vices. They tempt you to partake in your most precious passions, addictions and indulgences. It all feels so right.

Do you join in and succumb to your innermost desires?

Yes? If so, enter the screaming demons.

Your worst fears have come to life in the form of giant hairy dragons with razor-sharp teeth and clawed feet, and they love nothing more than to spit fireballs at your head so they can sniff your burning hair.

You recoil and try to hide your head. You jump from foot to foot to avoid the blasts. Confused and disoriented, you might even try to dart around them and run for your life, only to end up lost in the Bardo forever more. What will you do?

HINT: The best answer is actually the same answer as in the case of the seducers above, according to the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

AND A BIG BONUS HINT: If you’re thinking that since Tibetans love to meditate, your final answer should have something to do with staying centered- then you would be on the right track.

Something like stay centered? Compose yourself like a yogi? Yes?

YES! Bingo! Bueno. Cue the strobe lights. Blast the disco! Eternal bliss is yours. PLUS, You are suddenly much more attractive.

Staying centered and observing the illusion allows you to choose between two death’s door prizes. Behind door Number One: Rest forever in peace. Behind door Number Two: Reincarnate happily in the family of your choice and come back to earth to do it again. Yea!

Huh? You might be saying.

So, to recap. If you want to cheat death’s punishments and bypass karma, just avoid any passions. And don’t get sucked into anything extreme. Whatsoever.
By the way, this also works for psychedelic drug trips, as Timothy Leary taught. If you can stay mindful and not buy into the drama of what you think you see, then you will be rewarded by not being dragged into the dregs. (Duh! I know. It seems so simple once you have the secret key. Right?)

Don’t laugh. It only took me God knows how many lifetimes to get this. About twenty years ago, I walked up to a monk in Nepal. He looked so peaceful meditating on a rock in the midst of great suffering through poverty and sickness. I actually asked him for the key to life.

Don’t give in to passion, was his answer. Detach from ALL drama: the good and bad.

I admit. That was not the answer I wanted to hear. It’s taken me about twenty years of spiritual practice to see how it all makes sense.

If the mind is creating our perception at any given time, then our head is the filter, so it’s all potentially just illusion, even if we are experiencing things as a soul, scared out of our mind or head over heels in desire…out of the body altogether!

And in case you missed it, cultivate mindfulness. Really. Staying centered is definitely the key to death – and to a peaceful life.

Until we meet again, happy trails to you, fellow seeker.

Lisa Atkinson

Find out how to get a good psychic reading. Get your free Psychic Secrets report on what is really up with psychics and how to get a good one. Also, you can opt in to my free 6 Spirit Signs report and find out how to know your loved ones are nearby. It’s free. I hate spam, too, so don’t worry about that. http://spiritlisa.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=19de6aa0b44348fb782be256f&id=37e8c62072

And click here to check out my site, while you’re at it~ I’d love to hook you up with your loved ones in spirit. Mediumship is the coolest! http://www.Lisa-Atkinson.com

Heaven Comes Home for the Holidays!

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In the spirit of thankfulness for Thankgiving, I opened up the phone lines this week and took live callers for medium readings on my channel at BlogTalkRadio.com. It’s been a long time since I hosted a regular show, and it was a bit nerve-wracking to deal with the technology, but heaven hears the call. A line of loved ones in heaven stepped up so that they could connect with their loved ones on the phone. The holidays can be rough. Our loved ones really want to share their thanks and support.

Aside from giving thanks, forgiving was the theme that came up around this holiday with the spirit people. The theme was that if we can’t forgive ourselves – or others – then at least we can accept them and create a little peace in that.

On the show, a couple of parents came through from heaven. First, a very well-mannered departed Dad drew a comparison between the family tiffs and the way his daughter’s pet dog and cat alternatively love and hate each other. Then, a lovely mom in spirit apologized because she wasn’t able to be there and support her daughter through her divorce. This mom really wanted to remind her daughter of all the loving care she had shared at her time of death.

Many more loved ones lined up to connect with their people in the living, and I shared a bunch of messages on the show. You can listen to the replay here.

I just really want to share that whole spirit of love and forgiveness with you today. Your loved ones want you to be peaceful and joyous and to celebrate every good thing this year, even if they can’t be with you. So hopefully, we can all create acceptance or even harmony around our tables this season.

And if you are missing your loved ones on the other side, tell them! Invite them to the parties. They will hear you and even see you! They present clear evidence of their visits all the time. You can be sure that your loved ones do hear you…and that they will be home for the holidays.

Happy Thanksgiving!

With love and gratitude,
Lisa Atkinson

Find out how to get a good psychic reading. Get your free Psychic Secrets report on how to know your loved ones are nearby. It’s free. I hate spam, too, so don’t worry about that.

And click here to check out my site, while you’re at it~ I’d love to hook you up with your loved ones in spirit. Mediumship is the coolest!


Got Spirit Guides?

A lot of people ask me about their guides.

How many guides do I have?

Who are my spirit guides?

Is my grandmother my spirit guide?

If these are questions you have asked, watch this video to find out! AND if you like this, please like or even follow this blog to get more free updates. I’m creating tons of free online training and deeper premium content to enrich your life.

Find out how to get a good psychic reading. Get your free Psychic Secrets report on how to know your loved ones are nearby. It’s free. I hate spam, too, so don’t worry about that.

And click here to check out my site, while you’re at it~ I’d love to hook you up with your loved ones in spirit. Mediumship is the coolest!

Or listen to my live radio show on the net. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spiritblessings/2013/11/26/heaven-is-here-live-medium-readings-only-show

Have fun!